Behaviour change consulting for a nicer, better, greener and more equal world*.
*Yes, this consulting company runs on theories, methods and frameworks of behaviour change but also a good dose of idealism.
If it’s not working, change it.
Behava is a small behaviour change consulting agency by Natalia Le Gal. Natalia is a behaviour change researcher and practitioner – a human whose job is to dig deep into a behaviour, like recycling, find (a) missing link(s) to why people don’t actually do this behaviour or don’t do it well – like lack of suitable containers at home to keep the waste, and develop a strategy to change it.
Behavioural diagnosis.
To give a good diagnosis for treatment, a behavioural doctor needs first to thoroughly examine the (behavioural) patient. Understanding what are the behavioural barriers that prevent the behaviour from happening and its potential facilitators is the first, and the most important, step in generating a change of behaviour.
Data analysis and report writing.
Research helps bring clarity to data and gives extremely valuable insights for practice. Sometimes, things are surprising, other times not. With research, we can have more confidence in our decisions regarding interventions, product creation or development. I perform desk research and data analysis using your data, as well as data I collect for the purpose of the project.
Intervention development.
I work with clients on turning behavioural diagnosis’ results into practical solutions that they can implement to bring a change. I use a bunch of tried and tested behaviour change tools and methodologies, two spoons of research, a good dose of co-design and a pinch of creativity, to get a final dish: an implementable behavioural intervention plan.
I train individuals and organisations in using behaviour change methods, frameworks, and tools. Changing behaviour is tough. But actually, we need more and more of it. To help people eat better, exercise more, create more diverse workplaces. Having the right tools and knowing how to use them can make a big difference. Think of a cavewoman getting her first stone knife. The possibilities for application are endless.
Do you want to join our BeSci fun club, aka newsletter?
BeSci is serious business, this we know already. But it can also be fun. We explore the fun part via our founder’s LinkedIn and with this newsletter. Do you want to join?
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Book your free 30min discovery call.
Whatever you do, you are dealing with humans - and behaviours. Let’s chat and see how I - and behavioural sciences - can help you get the outcome you want.